
Nextdoor Headquarters Address

420 Taylor St.
San Francisco, Ca 94102
(view in map)

About Nextdoor
Nextdoor is where you connect to the neighborhoods that matter to you so you can belong. By bringing neighbors and organizations together, we can cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on.

The neighborhood network

Neighbors around the world turn to Nextdoor daily to receive trusted information, give and get help, get things done, and build real-world connections with those nearby — neighbors, businesses, and public services.

We believe connecting with others is a universal human need. That truth, and the reality that neighborhoods are among the most important communities in our lives, have been guiding principles for Nextdoor since the beginning.

Neighbors — Connect with the people you already wave to in your neighborhood, or those you have yet to meet.

Businesses — Instantly reach your most valuable customers — your neighbors — and become a trusted part of the neighborhood.

Nonprofits — Engage with the people who need you most and find support from donors nearby with features like Sell for Good.

Public agencies — Share critical, real-time information directly at the neighborhood level.

Large brands — Provide locally relevant products and services that improve neighbors’ daily lives.

How we’re different

Trust — We ensure you’re connected to real people in neighborhoods that matter to you.

Local perspective — Whether you need to find a local professional or a lost dog, your neighbors can help — and you can reach out to them instantly.

Proximity — You’re automatically connected to everyone nearby so you can build real-world connections.

A global neighborhood

Neighbors in the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are using Nextdoor to meet, gather, exchange, and share.
Meet the Woman Behind the New Social Network 'Nextdoor'
Nextdoor Co-Founder, Sarah Leary, featured as part of The Today Show's series "The Women Of Silicon Valley"
CBS This Morning Explores How Technology Can Help Neighbors Connect
CBS This Morning featured Nextdoor and interviewed our Co-Founder and CEO, Nirav Tolia, to explore how neighborhoods are using Nextdoor to build stronger, safer communities across the United States.

Number of Employees in Nextdoor

501 to 1,000

Nextdoor Revenue

$100M to $500M (USD)

Nextdoor Location