
Alten Headquarters Address

Siège social : 40 avenue André Morizet 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt. (view in map)

Alten Photos

  • Soirée Fonctions Support
  • ALTEN Lyon
  • WateRugby
  • GreenTech Forum
About Alten
Il Gruppo ALTEN, leader europeo nella consulenza per le tecnologie avanzate in campo ingegneristico e ICT, è quotato alla Borsa di Parigi e vanta più di 45.000 collaboratori in oltre 30 Paesi nel mondo.

In Italia ALTEN è presente su tutto il territorio nazionale con più di 3.350 collaboratori e uffici collocati in diverse città italiane, tra cui Milano, Gallarate, Bari, Bologna, Modena, Brescia, Firenze, Genova, Napoli, Padova, Roma e Torino.

ALTEN si propone al mercato con servizi legati al mondo dell’ingegneria, dell’information technology, delle telecomunicazioni e del life sciences, con numerosi centri di eccellenza tra cui: digital, business intelligence, testing, formazione (ALTEN Academy), ITSM, IoT, hw, sw embedded, quality e CSV. La forza di ALTEN si fonda sulla competenza e professionalità dei profili tecnici e manageriali, che vengono selezionati e formati con percorsi strutturati e replicati anche all’interno dell’ALTEN Academy, che eroga corsi di formazione e certificazione anche verso l’esterno.
ALTEN, Welcome Home.
Welcome Home!

Company Profile
ALTEN, the world leader in engineering and technology consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and IT systems in over 30 countries. Its 37 000 top engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the technical and information systems divisions of large corporate clients in the industrial, telecoms and services sectors. In the UK, ALTEN Ltd holds the fastest growth of the ALTEN international perimeter and is currently involved in innovation development for the IT, Life Science, Financial Services, Ground Transportation, Energy and Aerospace with premium customers in the UK. The subsidiary has now a deep market-penetration ensuring solid foundations to guarantee fast and sustainable development.

Sectors Recruiting From:
•Defence and Naval
•Energy and Environment
•Telecoms and Media
•Public sector

Alten in the UK in 4 Numbers :
•80-100% growth from 2014 to 2019
•95% of permanent employees
•+50% Work-packages
•Present in 5 key locations across the UK

Why join us

ALTEN's DNA combines human values, a culture of excellence and expertise at the service of its customers. Our corporate culture is based on 3 axes of values shared by all our employees.

Number of Employees in Alten


Alten Revenue

$1B to $5B (USD)

Alten Location