Advocates Incorporated

Advocates Incorporated Headquarters Address

290 Elwood Davis Road |
Suite 101
Liverpool, NY 13088
(view in map)

About Advocates Incorporated
Advocates is a person-centered not-for-profit organization that empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to direct their own lives and create a vision for their future.

Together, we advocate for a future where people with intellectual and developmental disabilities can fully participate in their homes, schools, and communities in a meaningful way.
Individual/Family Testimonials
“Advocates has made it a lot easier for me in a lot of different ways… more ways than I can describe.”
– Zach C. (Individual receiving services from Advocates)

“Advocates is great because they let me work on what I want to work on. They want me to be independent.”
– Stevie F. (Individual receiving services from Advocates)

"Advocates helps me to do the things I like to do, meet goals in my life, and overcome my fears."
– Jose C. (Individual receiving services from Advocates)

“I don’t know where my son, Thomas, would be without Advocates. They have played an instrumental role in his development.” – Dan B. (Parent)

"To me, this journey and experience has enlightened my life as well as Jose's. At Advocates, we look out for each other and we are there for each other." – Jose C. (Parent)

"Advocates has always been there for my son. His Care Coordinator, Jaqueline is the all around most caring, understanding and helpful person ever. When he was first diagnosed I was so lost as a parent with a special needs child. After finding Advocates they explained so much, I had no idea how much help was out there for my son. I have learned so much. Thank you!" – Harley H. (Parent)

"My daughter has been a client at Advocates since it was called Familycapped in 2007. They have always been there for for us." – Dee B. (Parent)

“I truly believe that my daughter would have had a severe mental breakdown, had it not been for Advocates’ Mentors supporting her through the pandemic.” – Lisa L. (Parent)

“We are blessed to have Karea (Mentor) in our lives. Our daughter has blossomed under Karea’s care. I couldn’t imagine our lives without Advocates and Karea! Karea continues to bring an uplifting presence to our family’s life that extends beyond the expectations that we have ever had!”
– Stacey L. (Parent)
Employee Testimonials
"I was a medical assistant for 15 years, I decided to join the company in 2015. It's been one of my best choices in life. I love being a Mentor. I feel like now I really am helping people in their lives. Every day I hear how much I'm appreciated, from the people that work with, their parents and the staff in the office. I've made lifelong friends, I make good money. Every day at Advocates is a blessing to me. I love my job so much."
– Dee B. (Mentor)

"I can honestly say without hesitation Advocates is the most person centered positive environment I have ever been a part of in my 20 years of human service related work. There is truly an outside of the box philosophy, where the need of an individual is truly at the forefront of service. I would definitely recommend Advocates to anyone looking for services for their loved ones. Advocates would be my first call if I were in need of support for my family." – Doug A. (Agency Supported Comm. Hab. Coordinator Supervisor)

"I had the pleasure of working for Advocates a few years and it was by the far the best place to work. They are family first and provide so many awesome opportunities not only for the families they work with but their employees as well... Thank you, Advocates, for all the great opportunities and awesome work experience."
– Tracy W. (Mentor)

"I absolutely love my job! It’s super rewarding!" – Tanya S. (Mentor)

"Advocates has provided me with so many opportunities to make a positive impact in other’s lives. The way they look at every aspect of the individual in a person centered approach and go beyond basic support to provide the best services around through their dedicated teams of staff has made this much more than just a job to me. It has provided me many experiences to continue to grow myself, moving up in company, where I feel I get to make a difference for the people I work with on a daily basis. The knowledge gained from learning and support from constantly working as a team is beyond the level I have experienced before. It just goes to show why the agency is so highly considered in the community and positive direction it is taking to continuing to provide the best support to individuals out there. Leaving the education field and a school district was nerve wrecking, but looking back and knowing the lives I have been able make a difference in, allows me to know it was for the best." – Justin S. (Support Broker Supervisor)

"Knowing that the work I do changes people's lives in a positive way is rewarding and what I like most about being a Mentor." – Josh S. (Mentor)

"Having worked in the human services field for more than 12 years in an array of roles and settings- I could not be happier that my professional career has landed me at Advocates. From my experience at several different agencies, Advocates stands apart in their ability to step back, take a serious look at true service gaps that are being experienced by the people they support and their families, and finding a way to adjust their operations to meet those needs. Advocates’ ability to maintain a person centered and person first approach in all ways is unparalleled. Not only have I been lucky enough to find my way professionally to this agency, but Advocates has also supported my family personally for close to 15 years, having two siblings with developmental disabilities myself. Advocates is not just a human services agency, it is a true community…a family."
– Liz B. (Support Broker)

"Best agency. Wonderful, caring staff. A community reaching out to all!" – Helen C. (Mentor)

"I have worked for Advocates for about 4 years now and cannot say a bad thing about the company. I started as a mentor and then moved on to become a community habilitation coordinator. I find my job to be so rewarding and love the opportunity to give back to my community while also earning a living. Advocates is constantly working to improve the services they provide and stay ahead of the game. I am very proud to be an Advocates employee and look forward to the many opportunities still to come!"
– Rebecca G. (Agency Supported Community Habilitation Coordinator)

“I’m supposed to be the one teaching her (the individual I support), but she’s taught me so much more than I ever would have imagined. I’ve challenged her socially and she’s taken leaps and bounds. She now has the ability and confidence to do things she never thought she was able to do.” – Karea B. (Mentor)

"So proud to be apart of Advocate team I love every day I get to work!" – Candy G. (Mentor)
We Appreciate Our Mentors!
Our Direct Support Professionals (Mentors) and Residential Coordinators truly are the heart and soul of Advocates! They play an integral role in the lives of the people we support, and we simply couldn’t do it without them!

Number of Employees in Advocates Incorporated

1,001 to 5,000


Advocates Incorporated Location