
Medium Headquarters Location

San Francisco/New York

Medium’s mission is to help people deepen their understanding of the world and discover ideas that matter. We are building a place where ideas are judged on the value they provide to readers, not the fleeting attention they can attract for advertisers. We are creating the best place for reading and writing on the internet—a place where today’s smartest writers, thinkers, experts, and storytellers can share big, interesting ideas. Come join us!
Life Here
You’re in good company

Medium celebrates diversity in people, backgrounds, and life experiences. For instance, our founder co-created two of the most transformative tools for sharing ideas online, Blogger and Twitter. Our head of user services was once the lead singer of a popular band (and brought the drummer to work at Medium, too). One of our designers can lecture for an hour about the finer points of Polish typography. We also have quite a few outdoor explorers, podcast fanatics, amateur chefs, and inspiring mothers and fathers who balance leadership with parenthood.

A mindful place to work

We’re building a company, not just a product. That means we put a ton of thought into how we structure, how we interact, and how we build. Experimentation is encouraged at Medium, and we do it a lot. Sometimes we don’t get things right, and that’s okay too. Failure is seen as an opportunity for growth.
Why Choose Us
Have an impact

At Medium, you aren’t constrained by your job description. There’s room for you, and your ideas, to breathe. We empower people to draw on their own experience and knowledge to make decisions for themselves.

With a strong focus on growth and personal development, Medium is the ideal place to develop your skills in an environment that is built on mutual trust and respect. Team members work with their managers (“Group Leads” in Medium speak) to get personalized 1:1 coaching and mentorship to help them grow and achieve their career goals.


We care about our employees and their lives both inside and outside of Medium. Beyond the core benefits like health insurance, 401(k), paid time off, and lunch every day, we offer benefits that encourage continuous learning (a generous education budget for each employee) and cultivation of mind and body (onsite meditation, yoga, and a gym membership reimbursement).

Number of Employees in Medium

51 to 200
